On Wednesday, March 30th George Pintar and Judy Cicero, local storytellers and authors, will be at the Branigan library’s second floor to autograph and explain the story line of their recent books. The event will start at 10:15 and conclude at noon. If you have books by either author that have not been autographed bring them.
Pintar’s books takes you on journeys throughout the Southwest including Antelope Wells, Deming, Great American Duck Race, Madrid, Chiz, population one, and other ghost towns.
Cicero’s book, an enchanting fairy tale, follows Tate, boy hero and Little-One, a refugee baby spider in their search for Little-One’s home web on the mysterious lotus pond. These unlikely friends accompanied by Tate’s imagination face the dangerous Bully Fish, menacing Sumo Snails, the evil Kameko, a renegade turtle taxi driver and the deadly Steaming Vapors.
If you are or know a local author, there will be information about the Las Cruces Writers. Their mission is Writers Helping Writers.
Enjoy a blind date with one of their books!…