April warmth brings the inviting sense of creativity to the writer. Abundance, joy, and the lure of creativity buoy the spirit and compel the author to take to the pen and keyboard. And Las Cruces Writers meet!
Good Samaritan Village in the Creative Arts Room, 3011 Buena Vida Circle. Enter through the main administrative building entrance (parking is to the east of the building) and turn left in the first hallway to reach the room.
1:30-3:30 pm April 13th, 2023
Executive staff will meet 30 minutes early (well, mostly Rosemary this time!)
We will get an update on our July book sale. We have a few spots left, so if your book is ready, join us.
Three readers will present their unpublished works for critique and discussion.
Fenton Kay will discuss his recent experiences as part of an educational fair.
The great President Emeritus George Pintar will provide a pep talk.
Bring your questions!