Happy New Year everyone! Let’s get this year kicked off right with a Las Cruces Writer’s Group meeting. The theme this month is poetry!
Good Samaritan Village in the Creative Arts Room, 3011 Buena Vida Circle. Enter through the main administrative building entrance (parking is to the east of the building) and turn left in the first hallway to reach the room.
2:30-4:30 pm, Saturday January 11th, 2024
- Call to Order
- Welcome New Members
- Membership and Financials
- Member Accomplishments
- Poetry discussion
- Gretchen poetry reading and short talk
- Fenton poetry reading and short talk
- Rosemary poetry reading and short talk
- Jan poetry reading and short talk
- Poetry writing exercise
- Time & Date of next meeting reminders
- Adjournment
I tried to go to the meeting on sat but had a health issue and couldn’t (I live up in Caballo). Do I send a check someplace to be an actual membr?
I have 5 books and am writing a 6th and difficult one and need some help along all facets. Are there members who are in the book making racket and if so could I get in contact with them?
Thanks taylor streit
575 741 0202