It’s hot and Las Cruces Writers just had one blazing BookNanza! Now it’s time to do some practical stuff with the July meeting.
Good Samaritan Village in the Creative Arts Room, 3011 Buena Vida Circle. Enter through the main administrative building entrance (parking is to the east of the building) and turn left in the first hallway to reach the room.
1:30-3:30 pm July 13th, 2023
Executive staff will meet 30 minutes early.
- Call to order, welcome new members
- Finance report. ANNUAL DUES MUST BE PAID by August 10th ($25)
- Discuss the July book signing (Thanks go to Jim, Rosemary, and Karen).
- Member accomplishments.
- Dessert Exposure LCWG expectations.
- Program (Discussion) All Things Books.
- Covers
- Interior design/formatting
- Genre
- Publishing