Good Samaritan Village in the Creative Arts Room, 3011 Buena Vida Circle. Enter through the main administrative building entrance (parking is to the east of the building) and turn left in the first hallway to reach the room.
1:30-3:30 pm October 12th, 2023
Executive staff will meet 30 minutes early.
Call to order, welcome new members, and discuss accomplishments (there are many!)
Membership and financial reports
Discuss dues
December book signing: George Pintar
Main program: Writing tips by Efrem Carrasco
Hi Mark,
Ted Presler here.
When I attended my first meeting one of the members asked me to provide the email address of Ness Brown the astrophysicist from Columbia University who is one of our authors presenting at our Science Fiction panel. Could you ask the members which writer addressed me on this question?