Agenda for the 9 June 2022 Las Cruces Writers membership meeting
1:30 to 3:30 pm at the Creative Arts Room at Good Sam at 3011 Buena Vida Circle.
Call to order by Bob Worthington, Acting Chair
Treasurer report: Judy Cicero
Membership report: Mark Davis
Web site/media report: Mark Davis
Education report: Bob Worthington
Need volunteer for Vice President position Elections during July meeting
July book signing at the Mall: Charmayne Samuelson
Executive Board report: Bob Worthington
Revised brochure/membership application
Farmer’s Market report
Membership in Dona Ana Arts Council
Writing seminars for the public
Future of LCW
Writers’ critique breakout session (for July meeting)
Other new business
Breakout session LCW brainstorming
In July the current LCW administration will end. On 1 August a new management team will take over. This brainstorming session will attempt to elicit from the members what you want from LCW and what you want it to do for you.
Currently we have the executive board meet, once a month, a week before the membership meeting. The membership meets once a month to hold a business meeting and to hold two breakout sessions (writing and marketing) and once a month we have a two-hour writing seminar. We also host two book signings at the Mall. Some of our writers have agreed to read any member’s work and provide feedback. So we have a system for writers helping writers.
The brainstorming will try to assess what the members like and what they do not like. Basically the board members want to find out what the members want and look at how we might do that. What we accomplish today will provide feedback and direction for the new LCW administration. Because of what we want to do, we really need for as many members to attend as possible. Are we not doing some things you want? Are some of our events too much? What else should LCW do? Is there anything we should stop or reduce?
Keep in mind that last summer George Pintar took over the leadership of LCW and turned it into what we have now, an energetic organization of 36 members and numerous activities for all levels of writers. But could we do more? Or less? Or something else? For the past year we have been evolving, trying a variety of different events, and learning what works and what does not.
So, please attend this membership meeting to help chart our future.
Bob Worthington, LCW Acting chair