Good Samaritan Village in the Creative Arts Room, 3011 Buena Vida Circle. Enter through the main administrative building entrance (parking is to the east of the building) and turn left in the first hallway to reach the room.
1:30-3:30 pm April 11th, 2024
Executive staff will meet 30 minutes early.
Call to order, welcome new members and discuss accomplishments
George will have a few minutes at the beginning of the meeting.
Then, Dr Jim, Fenton, Linda and Gretchen will read for us.
And, to see if you are paying attention, and because Dorothy Parker always invokes a devious little smirk:
A Well-Worn Story
In April, in April,
My one love came along,
And I ran the slope of my high hill
To follow a thread of song.
His eyes were hard as porphyry
With looking on cruel lands;
His voice went slipping over me
Like terrible silver hands.
Together we trod the secret lane
And walked the muttering town.
I wore my heart like a wet, red stain
On the breast of a velvet gown.
In April, in April,
My love went whistling by,
And I stumbled here to my high hill
Along the way of a lie.
Now what should I do in this place
But sit and count the chimes,
And splash cold water on my face
And spoil a page with rhymes?
Dorothy Parker…