March 12, 2022
The name of the organization shall be Las Cruces Writers.
“Writers Helping Writers” The organization was created for author/writer members to assist other author/writer members by organizing book signings, providing workshops/classes, offering expertise/advice/critiques and lending support to other author/writer members.
ARTICLE III Membership
A. Las Cruces Writers membership is open to all regardless of level of expertise or phase of writing career.
B. Las Cruces Writers members are expected to:
- Keep an open mind.
- Present themselves in a manner that demonstrates respect, encouragement, and empathy towards other members.
- Attend and participate in meetings and activities to include voting.
- Pay dues. ($25.00 per year prorated at $2.00 per month for partial year/no refunds)
C. All members and prospective members will read the Las Cruces Writers By-Laws.
ARTICLE IV Governance
Section 1 Executive Board
A. The Las Cruces Writers shall be managed and controlled by an Executive Board consisting of the four elected officers plus two other members as elected by the membership.
B. The officer positions within the Las Cruces Writers shall include the President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary.
C. Decisions will be by simple majority vote. In case of a tie, the Board chair will decide.
Section 2 Powers and Duties for Officers of the Las Cruces Writers
A. President: Preside over meetings, coordinate officer duties, address input and concerns from members. Establish meeting agenda. The president will also serve as the chair of the Executive Board.
B. Vice-President: Assume the duties of the President in the President’s absence, assist the President in coordination activities.
C. Treasurer: Collect dues, maintain bank account, pay only approved expenses, present an accounting of all finances at official Las Cruces Writers meetings. Expenses will be approved by majority vote at the general meeting and must benefit Las Cruces Writers as a whole.
D. Secretary: Write and maintain minutes of membership and executive board meetings. Notify by email members of all Las Cruces Writers meetings and activities. Prepare and maintain membership list.
Section 3 Term of Office
A. Members elected to office shall serve for one year beginning August 1 and ending July 31. Nominations will be accepted during the June meeting and voting will occur in the July meeting. Newly elected officers will preside over the August meeting. Unopposed nominees will be elected by receiving at least two votes.
B. In the event of an officer vacancy, the remaining Executive Board members will, immediately following the vacancy, appoint an eligible member to fulfill the duties of that office until the next officer election.
ARTICLE V Elections
A. During the election process, prospective officers must be nominated for a specific position. The Executive Board will appoint a nominating committee which will prepare a slate of officers for the annual elections. Nominated members will have agreed to serve if elected.
Nominations from the floor must be seconded by an active member.
Nominees will be given the opportunity to speak to the general membership prior to the voting process.
B. Elections will take place by show of hand or secret ballot if requested by any member.
C. The nominee who receives a simple majority of the votes shall be declared the winner of the office for which they were nominated.
D. In the event that no nominee receives a simple majority of the votes cast, a runoff vote between the two nominees who received the largest number of votes will take place to determine the winner or if tied, the organization officers not being considered for the position will decide by majority vote.
ARTICLE VI Impeachment and Dismissal
A. Dismissal/impeachment of an officer:
If at any time a member feels an officer is not performing their duties or has neglected to follow the charter of Las Cruces Writers, they may draft an article of impeachment/dismissal and present it to any officer to be placed on the agenda of the next general meeting.
Impeachments and dismissals will take precedent over all regular organization business at the next general membership meeting immediately following the submission of the article of impeachment.
The officer in questions may speak before the organization in their own defense prior to any vote taking place.
The general membership will vote to impeach/dismiss the officer with a majority vote in the affirmative.
Dismissal/impeachment will take effect immediately upon passage of the motion.
B. Dismissal of a member will be handled the same as dismissal of an officer.
A. The Las Cruces Writers shall meet once per month on a date/time set by the members.
B. Additional classes/training (subjects/schedules) will be approved by the Executive Board.
C. Member requests for guest speakers/lecturers for the general meeting will be put forth to the Executive Board to arrange for the speaker, if approved.
A. Las Cruces Writers will loosely use Robert’s Rules of Order as a means of parliamentary procedure when necessary.
B. All votes will take place at a general monthly meeting and resolutions/proposals/motions will pass by majority vote.
ARTICLE IX Amendments/Ratification
A. Amendments to this charter shall be submitted in writing to the Las Cruces Writers’ President two weeks prior to being placed on the general membership meeting agenda. Amendments will be passed by majority vote.
B. The By-Laws will be ratified by majority vote annually at the August meeting.