LCW’s own Efrem Carrasco will host a seminar on Saturday, April 23, 2022 from 2:00 pm – 4:00pm.
The goal of all writers is to continuously improve their writing

Before you submit your manuscript to the publisher, you want to make sure your work is concise, tight, structurally and grammatically correct, and meets the three criteria—Flow, Clarity, and Understandability.
This class is designed for writers of all skill levels who wish to advance to the next level.
Who Should Take This Class?
- Unpublished novices who desire to become good fiction/nonfiction writers.
- Published writers who desire to improve their writing craftsmanship.
You Will Learn:
- The Concepts and Misconceptions of Editing and Writing
- Proper Manuscript Format
- Proper Formats of Writing
- How to Write Stronger Sentences
- Choosing the Right Words
- Dos and Don’ts of Writing
- Common Writer Mistakes—and how to avoid them.
- Editing Marks
Efrem Carrasco, Instructor
Only 15 seats available.
This is a stress-free class. It’s neither a Workshop nor an English Grammar class.
REQUIREMENTS: Bring Paper and Pen—for notes and practice writing.
LOCATION: Good Sam, Building E, 3045 Buena Vida Circle