Everything You’ve Wanted to Know about Writing Fiction, But Were Afraid to Ask
Efrem Carrasco
Saturday, October 22, 2022
2:00 pm – 4:00pm
“There are no masters of writing, only students.”
Not sure about a particular aspect of the writing craft—technique, punctuation, paragraphing, story structure, word usage, the writing life, editing, and so on?
This class will provide you the opportunity to ask your questions, coupled with group discussions on various writing topics that may prove to be an edifying experience.
Who Should Take This Class?
- Anyone who wishes to be known as an author with Good Story Writing Skills.
The Class:
- A Short Presentation.
- Open Forum for Writer’s Questions, and Group Discussions.
- Concluding With: The Best Fiction and Memoir Writing Advice You’ll Ever Get, plus, The Secret to Becoming a Good Writer will be revealed (But you can’t tell anyone).
- Bring your list of Questions concerning the Craft of Writing.
- Bring Paper and Pen, and Be Prepared to have fun in this class.
LOCATION: Good Sam, Building E, 3045 Buena Vida Circle
The building in front of Bus and Handicap Parking, next to the building where we hold the LCW meetings—down the steps, first room to the right.
Join Las Cruces Writers today to participate.
Teaching the Write Way…